About the Drop-in Centre Eastleigh (D.I.C.E)

D.I.C.E. was set up in 2007 by Adam and continues to be run by the people who use it, with some support from MENCAP and The Art House. This makes it a truly empowering experience for those involved and good example of a democratic, user-run service.

If you or somebody you know would like to come along, please contact dicehampshire@gmail.com

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Easter eggs!

This week's session was decorating Easter eggs in preparation for the egg hunt (weather permitting) in the park next week!

The group really got into this activity, even though the eggs this week were not chocolate :)

Still no news on the lottery funding, but the group have been made one of Waitrose's 'Good Causes' for May, so that will bring some much-needed pennies.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Today - pebble painting

Lots of fun painting pebbles with the group today!

Monday, 8 March 2010

Staying positive!

The meeting today was well attended and the group are still very keen for DICE to continue. We have our fingers crossed for the lottery fund application, which we should get an answer on any day now. Other plans discussed were having a table at the tabletop sale at Wells Place, approaching local businesses (which Adam is working on at the moment) for donations and looking for free venues where the group could meet.

In the meantime, I've been booked for the remaining sessions until 31st May, so it looks like I have a programme to plan! The group were keen to have photographs of the activities we'd be doing, and simple written explainations - so I'd better get cracking :)

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Cross fingers (and toes)

For the lottery grant - answer expected any day now!

In the meantime, we've set up a donation page via the Art House, to 'keep the D.I.C.E rolling, and have already raised £100 for the group.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Today's session and plans for Easter Egg hunt

Well, it was a lovely sunny day so there were only a few of us today (I think the others may have headed off to the park. We took along some juggling kit, games (including skittles and kerplunk), music, hula hoop and poi.

Carol absolutely rocks at skittles and Kerplunk! We should maybe start a team!

We also agreed a programme for the next few sessions, including another carnival day (when hopefully there will be more people!), Easter Egg painting, drama and another music session. We're also going to do a short one-hour percussion session next week before the meeting :)

The new 'Disco Greats' CD went down well with club users, not so well with Stuart who I think thought it was a bit lame!

After the session, Bik and I headed down to Eastleigh Lakeside Park to check it out as a possible venue, if we run out of money for room hire (the hall at Wells Place Centre costs £40 per session to hire) - or for occasional sessions at least when the weather is fine.

The lakes are lovely and can be reached by bus, I hope the group will be up for this - there is an indoor room available to hire, with hot water & cups so we can make coffees.

The plan at the moment (subject to approval by the group next week!) is to hold an Easter Egg hunt & picnic there at the end of March, so that everyone can see what they think of using the space down there for some sessions in the summer.

We also are looking into the possibility of joining the monthly 'table top sale' at Wells Place Centre to raise some funds.
