About the Drop-in Centre Eastleigh (D.I.C.E)

D.I.C.E. was set up in 2007 by Adam and continues to be run by the people who use it, with some support from MENCAP and The Art House. This makes it a truly empowering experience for those involved and good example of a democratic, user-run service.

If you or somebody you know would like to come along, please contact dicehampshire@gmail.com

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Been a bad blogger!

I've been shocking at blogging lately so here is a quick update!

The group took part in the Eastleigh Carnival on 14th August and won second prize in our category, with our mighty fine 'aliens and robots' theme. Mags from MENCAP showed his darker side by scaring many small children with his costume.

Plans are now afoot to make a series of DICE films, in the be-kind-rewind style, using the robot costumes for inspiration.

This week we did printmaking with some fantastic results!